What does WIFI stand for?

What does WIFI stand for?

What does Wi-Fi stand for? There are so many acronyms, initials and abbreviations raising questions like "What does WIFI stand for?" These combinations of letters are now being used just like everyday words! Find out the difference between an acronym, abbreviation, trademark or an initialism (yes, it's yet another new word!). Back to the question "What does WIFI stand for?". We have detailed below the meaning of the letters or initials used, a definition and some helpful background information about this common acronym. So read on to discover the answer to your question: What does Wi-Fi stand for? And what the letters WIFI mean!  An ideal free Educational Resource complete with useful examples for Teachers, Students, Colleges and Schools.

What does WIFI stand for? Background information
The letters WIFI are often, incorrectly, believed to stand for Wireless Fidelity. The term Wi-Fi is in fact a registered trademark owned by Wi-Fi Alliance. The Wi-Fi Alliance organisation specifically defines Wi-Fi as any "wireless local area network (WLAN) products that are based on the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers' (IEEE) 802.11 standards." WiFi is the name commonly given to wireless networking technology that uses radio waves to provide wireless high-speed Internet and network connections. Many computer related devices are supported by Wi-Fi including video game consoles, home computer networks and mobile phones.
The above information supplies the answer to  "What do the letters WIFI stand for?". Now find out the answer to:

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What does WIFI stand for? What is the Meaning and Origin of the word Acronym?

The meaning of acromyn is 'A word formed from the initial letters of a multi-word name'. What is the origin of the word? The word derives from the Greek word 'acro' meaning 'tip, end' and the English word 'onym' meaning name e.g. NATO or RADAR

What does WIFI stand for? What is the meaning of Initials and Initialism?

Initials used as words are called initialism which is defined as an abbreviation that consists of the initial letters of a series of words, pronounced in sequence e.g. HTML.

What does WIFI stand for? What is the Meaning of the word Abbreviation?

The meaning of abbreviation is a shortened form of a written word or phrase used in place of the whole e.g. APP for application.

What does WIFI stand for? Trademarks

Some combinations of letters such as iPOD are trademarks. A trademark means a word used to identify a particular company's product and differentiate the product from other companies' products.

What does WIFI stand for? Definitions and Examples

Reading a definition and learning about what letters stand for is so much easier when examples are provided. The use of illustrations, samples and specimens will simplify any task from writing, studying English Grammar or punctuation to understanding difficult shortened terms such as WIFI. An ideal free Educational Resource complete with useful examples for Teachers, Students, Colleges and Schools.

What does WIFI stand for? Different Types of Acronyms, Initials and Abbreviations!

There are different categories of Acronyms, Initials and Abbreviations which can be categorised under headings such as:

  • Acronyms, letters and Abbreviations - Car acronyms
  • Acronyms, letters and Abbreviations - Business acronyms
  • Acronyms, letters and Abbreviations - Computer acronym
  • Acronyms, letters and Abbreviations - Media acronym
  • Acronyms, letters and Abbreviations - Product acronyms and Trademarks -
    What does iPOD stand for?

  • Free examples of letters Acronyms & Abbreviations

  • What is the Meaning of WIFI?
  • What is the Meaning of letters and Initials
  • What does WIFI stand for? Trademarks
  • Free examples list of Letters, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
  • What does WIFI stand for?  Letters
  • What does WIFI stand for? Acronym finder
  • Car acronyms
  • Business acronyms
  • Computer acronym, initials and abbreviations
  • Media acronym, initials and abbreviations
  • What does WIFI stand for? Product acronyms and trademarks
  • What is the Meaning of WIFI?

What does WIFI stand for?

What does WIFI stand for? - Letters - Example - Acronymn - Abbreviation - Acronymn - Meaning - Example - Definition - Finder - List - Letters - Acronymns - Abbreviation - Common - Acromyn - Acronymn - Acronym – Meaning - Example - Initials - Example - Acronymn - Abbreviation - Acronymn - Meaning - Example - Definition - Finder - List - Letters - Acronymns - Abbreviation - Common - Acromyn - Acronymn - Acronym – Meaning - Example - Initials - Example - Acronymn - Abbreviation - Acronymn - Meaning - Example - Definition - Finder - List - Letters - Acronymns - What does WIFI stand for? - Letters - Abbreviation - Common - Acromyn - Acronymn - Acronym – Meaning - Example - Initials - What does WIFI stand for? - Letters - Written By Linda Alchin