Noun Clause

Examples Help! Definition and Meaning of a Noun Clause

What is a Noun Clause? First things first! A noun is the name of any person, place or thing as John, London or book. In English grammar, a clause is a group of words containing a subject and predicate and functioning as a member of a complex or compound sentence.
* Predicate definition: Predicate is the part of a sentence or clause that expresses what is said of the subject and that usually consists of a verb with or without objects, complements, or adverbial modifiers.

The meaning or definition of a Noun Clause is as follows:


Definition & Meaning

A noun clause does the work of a noun in a sentence or phrase. It is a group of words containing a subject and a finite verb of its own.

Some Rules: noun clauses usually begin with words like how, why, what, where, when, who, that, which, whose, whether, etc. Also words like whoever, whenever, whatever and wherever

There are therefore just three basic types of noun clauses:

  • those that start with a question word such as where, how, who, when and why
  • those that start with whether, whatever etc or if
  • those that start with that.

Examples of the noun clause:

  • Where does John live?
  • If John buys a Ferrari
  • That Mr. Smith is a good teacher
  • You really do not want to know what Mrs. Smith gives her husband for dinner
    (what "Mrs. Smith gives her husband for dinner" is the noun clause)
Definition & Meaning


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Examples Help - Understanding Noun Clause !

Understanding the different types of nouns is not very difficult, but it is made daunting because of the seemingly complicated names! Just glancing through this page provides a fast overview of Noun Clause.

  • English Grammar
  • What is a Noun Clause ?
  • Parts of Speech
  • Meaning and Definition
  • Examples List
  • Definitions, list, types, samples and examples of different English Grammar
  • Test your knowledge and understanding
  • English Grammar and Noun Clause
  • Definitions, list, types, samples and examples of different English Grammar
  • those that start with a question word such as where, how, who, when and why
  • those that start with whether, whatever etc or if
  • those that start with that
  • Examples Help!

Noun Clause

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