Examples Help! What is the definition of Exclamation Mark? How do you define and when to use an Exclamation Mark? What are the rules for using an Exclamation Mark? The definition of this type of punctuation is as follows: |
Punctuation - Definition | Definition: The exclamation mark is a punctuation mark (!) which is used especially after an interjection or exclamation to indicate forceful utterance or strong feeling. | Punctuation - Definition |
When to use the Exclamation Mark - the Rules The Exclamation point should be sparingly used, particularly in prose. Its chief use is to denote emotion of some kind. When to use this type of punctuation with examples: |
- It is generally employed with interjections or clauses used as interjections: "Alas! I am forsaken." "What a lovely landscape!"
- Expressions of strong emotion call for the exclamation: "Charge, Chester, charge! On, Stanley, on!"
- When the emotion is very strong double exclamation points may be used: "Assist him!! I would rather assist Satan!!"
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Examples Help - Understanding English Grammar! English Grammar applies rules for standard use of words and how their component parts combine to form sentences. A grammar is also a system for classifying and analyzing the elements of language including inflections, functions, rules and relations in the sentence. This page about when to use this type of punctuation with the rules and guidelines will help with the understanding of this subject. | |
- English Grammar & Terminology
- When to use
- Definitions, rules, guide, samples and examples of different English Grammar rules - Punctuation marks
- What are the rules?
- Definition, rules, guidelines
- Exclamation
- Punctuation
- Definitions, rules, guide, samples and examples of different English Grammar rules - Punctuation marks
- When to use punctuation
- Examples Help!
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