
Examples Help! What is the definition of Vision?

How do you define Vision? What is a Vision? The word derives from the Latin word 'videre' meaning to see'. Plural: visions. The definition of Vision is as follows:


English Grammar & Terminology Definition of Vision - a poetic device

Definition: A Figure of Speech which consists of treating the past, the future, or the remote as if present in time or place. It is appropriate to animated description, as it produces the effect of an ideal presence.

Example: "The old warrior looks down from the canvas and tells us to be men worthy of our sires."

Definition of Vision - a poetic device

Examples of Vision in Literature, Poems & Poetry

Poems with Vision examples can be found by the most famous poets including Longfellow

  • The book of Revelation in the Bible is a vision of the future.
  • The Divine Comedy written by Dante Alighieri
  • "Thus dreamed I, as by night I lay
    In Bruges, at the Fleur-de-Ble,
    Listening with a wild delight
    To the chimes that, through the night
    Bang their changes from the Belfry
    Of that quaint old Flemish city."
    from Carillon by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  • The Spanish Tragedy by Christopher Marlowe
  • "Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,
    Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
    To the last syllable of recorded time,
    And all our yesterdays have lighted fools"
    Act 5 Scene 5 from Macbeth by William Shakespeare

Examples Help! Use of Vision in Poems & Poetry

Examples of Vision can be found in many examples of the poem, poems or poetry. Famous poets use this figure of speech to convey and emphasize unusual and vivid images. The use of strong word association changes the mode of thought and adds variation, embellishment and adornment to literary works.

Examples Help - Figures of Speech - Vision

In Figurative Language we use words in such a way that they differ somewhat from ordinary every-day speech and convey meanings in a more vivid and impressive manner. Figures, like Vision make speech more effective, they beautify and emphasize it in Rhetoric which is the art of speaking and writing effectively. Figures of speech such as Vision use word association to convey emotion and mood often in a non-literal sense.

Examples Help! Using Vision

Figures of speech such as Vision adds adornment, beautifies, colors, elegant variation, embellishment, embroidery, emphasis, exaggeration, exclamation, flourish, floweriness, irony, lushness and luxuriance to the English language. This page providing facts and info about Figures of Speech will help with the understanding of this subject.

  • Free educational resource
  • Poem, Poems & Poetry - Vision
  • Word association to convey emotion and mood.
  • Definition, sample and example - poetic device
  • Figure of Speech in English Grammar
  • Definitions, info, samples and examples of different English Figurative Language
  • Vision - figure, image, trope
  • Word association to convey emotion and mood.
  • Definition, info, sample and example - figure, image, trope - Poetic device
  • Poem, Poems & Poetry - poetic device
  • Examples Help!


Definition - Define - Info - Information - Example - Examples - Sample - Samples - Use - Sentence - Description - Explanation - English Language - Mood - Emotion - Literary term - Rhetoric - Online - Web - Free - English - Figure of Speech - Figurative Language - Figure - Image - Trope - Guide - Linguistics - Reference - Grammar - Grammer - Meaning - Study - List - Poetry - Poem - Poems - 10 - Definition - Define - Example - Info - Information - Examples - Sample - Samples - Use - Description - Explanation - English Language - Mood - Emotion - Literary term - Rhetoric - Online - Web - Free - English - Figure of Speech - Figurative Language - Figure - Image - Trope - Guide - Linguistics - Reference - Grammar - Grammer - Meaning - Info - Information - Sentence - Study - List - Poetry - Poem - Poems - 10 - Written By Linda Alchin